Night 2: Tuesday, January 7
Theme: Our F.R.A.N.S: Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors, Strangers, and Local Community Initiatives
1. Pray our eyes and hearts would be open to the lost people around us.
- Pray that we will receive a deep burden for the lost and the world around us. Pray that our hearts would be drawn to go after the Friends, Relatives, Associates, Neighbors, and Strangers around us
- Pray that God would give us opportunities to share Christ with those around us and that we would SIEZE those opportunities.
- Ask God to give us a boldness to share Christ and reach out to those around us.
2. Pray for our lost F.R.A.N.S
- Pray that every lost F.R.A.N.S come to know Jesus as their savior. Pray that Jesus would begin to draw them to himself.
- (Prayer moment to call them out to the Lord by name…)
- Pray that God would bless them and their family. Pray that their whole family would be connected to GFA, find freedom, and become healthy, strong followers of Christ.
- Pray that God would give us favor with our F.R.A.N.S. Pray their hearts would be open to us. Pray that they see Jesus in us and through our lives.
3. Pray for a move of God through our local Mission Initiatives
- Ask God to bless what we are doing in the community. Pray that we would see an impact and a true move of God in our community.
- Pray that in 2025 new doors of ministry will open to do transformational work in the community.
- Pray that God would mobilize hearts to GO and help us reach people in our community.
- Pray that we see a true harvest of souls and transformation in our city.
4. Pray for impact through our work in our schools in 2025.
- Thank God for the unprecedented favor in the schools – Share a few examples
- Pray that we would see true change in our schools through GFA is doing in the schools. Pray that the environment of the schools will change. Pray that students' education, mental health, and overall life will be effective positively.
- Pray that we would begin to see teachers and students begin to be drawn into our church and youth ministry. Pray that their lives will be transformed and that their hearts will be open to us.
5. Pray for fruitful partnerships and relationships within our community.
- Ask that God would give us the opportunity to partner with new organizations, churches, schools, and businesses in 2025.
- Pray that we will build new relationships with this. Ask that we build bridges into every part of the community.
- Pray that God will reveal those we will partner with in the future.