What Is A Kingdom Builder?
Kingdom builders is our way of bringing the good news of the gospel to all nations through a faithful community passionate about generosity. From kids to adults, the profile of a kingdom builder is the same. This community, open to all, is built of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to give over and above their tithes to global missions, local church expansion, and future Christian leaders.


Global: Our Nation & World
Support 174 US and Foreign missionaries
Convoy of Hope
Builders international Bethlehem School
Project Rescue
Priority One Tanzania School
En Global Campuses (ELN Spanish campus)
Church Planting
And more…
Support 174 US and Foreign missionaries
Convoy of Hope
Builders international Bethlehem School
Project Rescue
Priority One Tanzania School
En Global Campuses (ELN Spanish campus)
Church Planting
And more…

Kids/ Lobby expansion
Foster Care
Public Schools (meals, mentorship, and support)
Local Outreaches
Serve Days
Facility improvements
Community partner support
Spalding Collaborative (Food)
And more…
Foster Care
Public Schools (meals, mentorship, and support)
Local Outreaches
Serve Days
Facility improvements
Community partner support
Spalding Collaborative (Food)
And more…

Valor college
Trinity Christian School
Fire Bible translation
Kids/youth camps
Trinity Christian School
Fire Bible translation
Kids/youth camps
"This will be written for the generation to come, that a people yet to be created may praise the Lord."
Psalms 102:18
Kingdom Builders Online Commitment Card
What is Kingdom Builders?
Kingdom Builders is our way of bringing the good news of the gospel to all nations through a faithful community passionate about generosity. From kids to adults, the profile of a kingdom builder is the same. This community, open to all, is built of individuals and families that prayerfully commit to give over and above their tithes to global missions, local church expansion, and future Christian leaders.
Why Kingdom Builders?
This is where Kingdom Builders provides the means to support missionaries around the world, community projects, church expansion and improvement projects, church planting, and missionary projects all throughout the year. Some have referred to Kingdom Builders as a "missions mutual fund" with the idea that each missionary, ministry, and project was part of God's global, kingdom mission and each dollar was an investment with an eternal return and reward. The heart of Kingdom Builders is people. We give, go, pray and send "so all can hear" the Gospel of the Kingdom. Kingdom Builders will incorporate what was formerly known as Missions Faith Promises, The Father's House Fund, along with any special offerings we typically have taken (Easter, Christmas, BGMC, missions project, etc.) While we may still do these special offerings, it will be for the projects we have already committed to through Kingdom Builders and all funds will go to meeting the entire goal. This allows us to set the goal at the beginning of each year and allows individuals and families to budget and believe in faith to give throughout the year.the description goes.
Where will the money from Kingdom Builders go?
Kingdom Builders is all about people, not projects. Although we support projects, it is “SO ALL MAY HEAR.” At the beginning of each fiscal year, our leadership team prayerfully considers each person and project we will support. Our strategic priorities will be our filter for what we commit to as a church. Each year we will present our vision and goal for the year with the people and projects we feel God is leading us to support. We have three priorities for Kingdom Builders:
- Global Kingdom Builders expresses our love for God’s world with a heart to support missionaries who are making a difference and taking the Gospel to the ends of the Earth and ministry projects that plant churches, build schools, raise up leaders, and provide hope to the hurting.
- Local Kingdom Builders expresses our love for our local church and community. We are committed to funding the growth of the church locally through expanding our own campus, planting life-giving, Spirit-filled churches in our communities, and ministering to the hurting in our own backyards. We will make space for those not yet here so they can personally know our loving, Heavenly Father.
- Future Christian Leader Kingdom Builders expresses our love for the next generation of Christ-followers and Church leaders. By partnering with ministries that care for the physical and spiritual needs of the next generation, our investment in the future is focused on raising up leaders to foster a love for God, the Bible, and the lost and inspire them to change the world. From infants to young professionals, we believe that investing in our future leaders is a strong priority.
What if I have designated money to a specific missionary in the past?
While you cannot designate your funds to specific ministry campaigns, the Kingdom Builders “bucket” will be allocated to various projects as they come in. Designated giving inside of Kingdom Builders will be discouraged for bookkeeping reasons. Exceptions will be made when an individual funds an entire project.
What happened to the funds we gave to The Father's House Fund?
Through our Father's House Fund, we were able to repair and replace many of our heating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems throughout our facility. We also paid off some of our debt as promised. The Father's House Fund also helped us upgrade and/or replace some of technology needs, specifically our screens and projectors in the auditorium. The remainder of The Father's House Fund is currently in savings and will be used as promised for further HVAC needs this spring and summer.
What about my Missionary Faith Promise giving?
Through Kingdom Builders, we will still support our missionaries monthly. Our budget is based on our previous monthly commitments (including designated funds) and, in fact, through Kingdom Builders, we hope to increase our missionary financial support.
If I had recurring, automated giving to Missions, Father's House Fund, or any funds now included in Kingdom Builders, what will happen?
If you leave it as is, that money will go through Kingdom Builders to our missionaries, missions projects, local church advancement and Next Generation initiatives. You can also update your recurring gifts online by creating a new recurring gift to Kingdom Builders and discontinuing your previous gift. Please email our Accounts Receivable Assistant, Brianna McLaughlin at bmclaughlin@griffinfirst.org if you have any questions.
When will each project be funded?
Other than our committed monthly missionary support, most projects and initiatives will be funded by the end of the calendar year (December 31st). Based on the total given for that year, we will determine what each project will receive. We believe that if everyone does their part by faith and obedience, we will not have to choose which project is funded or reduce our commitment.