Prayer Points

January 2025

Please pray…
  • Thank God for every Pastor and Leader at GFA. Praise God for providing Leadership to his church.
  • Pray that we as leaders would stay summited and aligned with Christ and ready to follow the burdens of his heart.
  • Pray that 2025 will be a year of tremendous growth in the cohesiveness and effectiveness of the GFA Staff and Leadership teams.
  • Pray for a refreshed hunger for God's Presence in our lives. Ask God to draw us and our leaders closer to him this year.
  • Ask God to give our Pastors and leaders fresh vision and passion in their ministries. Ask to bring supernatural solutions, provision, and growth in 2025
Please pray…
  • Ask God to bless and anoint our service with his excellence. Pray that a spirit would rest upon our worship teams, communications teams, and first impressions teams. Ask God to help us glorify him and minister to his people to the best of our ability in our Sunday Service.
  • Ask God to Anoint all who preach at GFA/ELN with a powerful fresh anointing to preach and teach in a way that reaches and touches the hearts of people in our community and region. Ask God to give the ability to clearly communicate his word in a way that all can receive and understand.
  • Ask God to draw people of every culture, ethnicity, age, and background to our services. Ask God to make our church a place where everyone feels welcome and at home. Ask God to remove any false image of our church in the community and establish his image of GFA in the community.
  • Ask the Lord to give our church a true passion and desire for prayer. Ask the Lord to raise up fresh leaders to join our prayer ministry. Ask God to give us the ability to pray and seek Him more than we ever have in 2025
Please pray…
  • Thank God for every person God connected to into our church in 2024.
  • Pray for our next steps ministries (First impressions, Assimilation, Come Closer 1&2, LifeGroups) Pray that this year will be a year of great growth in our next steps ministries. Pray that we will see more than ever take next steps. Pray for our leaders to grow in their gift of leadership.
  • Pray over our Come Closer and Come Closer 2 coordinators. Ask God to give them a fresh anointing for this new year. Pray that God would use their gifts of leadership and teaching in a greater way this year. Pray for Gods
  • Pray for our next semester of LifeGroups. Ask God to inspire and raise up leaders to start new groups that our church needs (Finance, marriage, young adults, young families, etc.) and groups that would draw in people from outside of the church. Pray that our LifeGroups have a greater sense of community and the presence of God.
  • Pray that teams would be masters of connection. Pray that our first impressions Teams and our Phone Call Teams will be used to connect people to our church like never before
Please pray…
  • Pray that 2025 will be a great year of growth and success in our next-gen teams and ministries. Ask God to Give us the strategies to reach young families in our city.
  • Pray that our kids and youth would have a passion and desire to learn about and follow Jesus. Pray they will encounter Jesus during our kids and youth services and in their own personal time with him.
  • Ask God to raise fresh leaders in our kids and youth ministries this year. Ask God to move on the hearts of our church to reach and teach the next generation.
  • Pray that God would stir the hearts of youth to reach their friends and fellow students. Ask God to give our youth students the boldness to begin reaching out. Anoint them to become influencers in their schools.
  • Pray against the violence and malice that is attacking our next generation and for protection over the students, teachers, and families of our schools. Pray that God would use us to bring a harvest in our schools. Ask God for the strategies to reach our children
Please pray…
  • Ask God to burden our hearts for the lost in our community. Ask him to move in all our hearts to begin to look outward
  • Ask God to our church a boldness to reach our community for Christ. Ask God for the faith to believe him for a move of God in our city
  • Ask God to open doors to reach and impact Griffin in a real tangible way. Ask God to use our church to change the environment of our city for the better
  • Pray that our hearts will be open and receptive to us wherever we go and whatever we do.
  • Pray that God would call forth leaders with a true burden to reach the community and an eagerness to lead.
  • Pray that we will see more converts inside our church services and from our outreach efforts.
Please pray…
  • Exodus 36:3-7 - Moses gave them the materials donated by the people of Israel as sacred offerings for the completion of the sanctuary. But the people continued to bring additional gifts each morning. 4 Finally the craftsmen who were working on the sanctuary left their work. 5 They went to Moses and reported, “The people have given more than enough materials to complete the job the LORD has commanded us to do!”6 So Moses gave the command, and this message was sent throughout the camp: “Men and women, don’t prepare any more gifts for the sanctuary. We have enough!” So the people stopped bringing their sacred offerings. 7 Their contributions were more than enough to complete the whole project.
    • Pray that God would move place in our hearts with a passion and zeal for his temple. Ask him to place a burden in our hearts to prepare our church facilities for the future. Pray that in 2025 our church family will bring more than enough to accomplish the necessary work on our facilities.
  • Pray that God establishes a true heart of generosity in us. For all of us to respond with a heart posture of complete surrender. May we be a people that withholds nothing from God.
  • Pray that God would bring supernatural provision. Ask God for the mana from Heaven for GFA. Ask God to do that in the lives of our church family. Ask him to supernaturally provide for their every need.
  • Pray that our people would continue to give to kingdom builders and receive the vision and burden in their hearts for what God wants to do in our community, in the world, and in the future at GFA. Ask God to stir up a passion in our hearts for Kingdom Builders.