Join us as we fast & pray for...

Healing Restoration

For the healing recovery of all those suffering physical and emotional challenges.

Focused Mission

For the mission of Jesus to remain the focus of our lives and the direction of our church.

Effective Message

For the  Sunday services to be powerful and effective.

Examples of Fasting in the Bible

Fasting is not just going hungry for a period of time. The Bible gives us examples of why and how we should fast. Here are a few.

For Healing & Deliverance

There was a demon possessed boy in chapter 17 of Matthew. His father brought him to the disciples and asked that they heal him, but they couldn't. When the boy was brought to Jesus, he rebuked the demon and the evil spirit left the boy. When asked how, Jesus replied that these kinds of healing only come by prayer and fasting. (Matthew 17:14-21)

For Repentance

When Jonah went to the town of Nineveh, he found that the people were doing all kinds of evil. He gave them God's message and told them they should call a fast. God's response in Jonah 3:10 says he did not bring the destruction against them because he saw they turned from their evil ways. (Jonah 3:1-10)

Asking for Protection

During a dangerous time, Ezra called the Israelite nation to a time of fasting. They needed to seek God for his protection and safety as they traveled through the wilderness to Babylon. (Ezra 8:21-23)

Preparing for Ministry

Before Jesus began his daily ministry, he went into the wilderness to consecrate himself. This time of setting himself apart from the daily grind to focus on his Father prepared him for his ministry that was ahead.  (Matthew 4:1-17 & Luke 4:1-14)

Ways to Fast

  • Fast 1, 2, or 3 meals per day.
  • 21 Day Daniel Fast
  • Liquids only Fast
  • Sunrise to Sunset Fast
  • In addition to food, give up media, screen time, recreational activities.

Resources for Fasting