Choose a LifeGroup below to get started!
The Family Room
Wednesday’s 6:30pm-8:15pm in the Jacob’s House
Led by Mike and Pam Freeman
Discussion – The Five Love Languages
Led by Mike and Pam Freeman
Discussion – The Five Love Languages
Family Group
A group of families who come for a time of fellowship and helping each other – Doing Life Together.
Leaders: Deanna Kimbrel & Ginger Ogilvie
Leaders: Deanna Kimbrel & Ginger Ogilvie
Family Skate Group
Join us Tuesday’s from 6pm-8pm at Griffin Skate Inn for Christian Skate night
Leaders: Burt and Lisa Crapo
Leaders: Burt and Lisa Crapo
Seed Planters
Married, Single, Young or Old, join us for food and fellowship with an emphasis on prayer and reaching the lost.
Leader: Steve Tippitt
Leader: Steve Tippitt
Family Life
A group for couples with young children- come for a time of fellowship and helping each other- Doing Life Together.
Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays.
Leader: Dustin and Cathy Johnson
Meets 1st and 3rd Sundays.
Leader: Dustin and Cathy Johnson