Congratulations on successfully completing Come Closer! We want to invite you to a special celebration just for YOU!!

You're receiving this invitation because you have successfully completed Come Closer and we want to recognize you and your accomplishment in a special way on Sunday, September 17th!"

FIRST, we want to invite you to be a part of a special graduation ceremony moment DURING our second service on Sunday, September 17th.

  • Sunday, September 17th DURING the second service after worship , our host will call forward all Come Closer grads to recognize you and pray over you!

  • We NEED YOUR participation!! Please attend the second service that Sunday. When Come Closer Grads are called forward, please stand up, and walk to the front altar area in front of the stage and stand. 

  • You will be  recognized, celebrated, and prayed over! Then you will be dismissed back to your seats! 

SECOND, You're invited to attend a special Come Closer Lunch Reception AFTER second service that same day (Sunday, September 17th). This lunch will be held in the Fellowship Hall by the school. Lunch will be provided for everyone! Spouses and kids are welcome!!

We will need you to RSVP for the reception lunch by using the RSVP form below! Thank you!!